27 March 2009

Singapore - Trip 2

Once again, I did not take many pictures from this trip. I promise to take tons when we make the final trip next month...

I had to make a quick trip to Singapore last week. When I say quick, I mean it. Jared was able to travel with me this time. We left on a Saturday and retuned home on Wednesday. It takes about 22 hours to get there. With the time change, we end up being about 14 hours or so ahead of pacific coast time. Technically, we were there for 2 full days. Needless to say we were exhausted when we returned home.

I had to check on my project for work to make sure construction was going as planned, as it turns out there were some changes we were unaware of. This could have caused major problems as were not planning to visit Singapore again until the installation of all the furniture. We have custom made all the furniture, purchased accessories, bedding, china, art, etc. in the U.S. and have it shipping on 2 containers over seas. The goods will arrive next month and we will go again for the final installation. 

This project has been such a learning experience and very different from anything I have ever worked on. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. 

Jared and I didn't have much free time, except for the evenings. We were able to eat at a local restaurant with the architect (who is from Singapore) and his family. I am not much of an adventurous eater but, I actually really enjoyed the food this time.  Jared and I didn't have time to shop or do much exploring, however we still had a great time. Jared was such a good sport and a huge help to me. 

This is a picture of the main living room. It is much larger than it looks. The penthouse is on the 63rd floor and has panoramic views of the ocean and city. It is really amazing.

I had to take a picture of the mirrored ceilings in the living room and the only way to do so was by laying on the floor.

Jared and I at night on Orchard Road. (the main area for shopping and restaurants)
The humidity is unreal in Singapore. You can't tell but, we were sweating day and night.

1 Year - We did it!

We celebrated our 1 Year Anniversary on March 8th. We decided to make a quick trip to Coronado Island. On our way down, we stopped in San Diego for sushi. My sister Rhiannon works at a yummy sushi restaurant and treated us. (Thanks again Rhiz.) We stayed at a lovely little hotel called The Glorietta Bay Inn. Jared and I had a relaxing evening with nothing planned or scheduled, it was quite nice. Unfortunately, I had be to back to work by 11am the next morning, so we had to rush home. 

This 1 year has flown by SO FAST. I honestly cannot believe it. We have had such a blast and are looking forward to many, many more years of adventures together. I love you hub.

I have been really bad about taking pictures lately, so here are just a couple from the beach in Coronado. 

26 March 2009

Double B-Day!

My little sisters, (who are not so little anymore) Rhiannon and Jocelyn share the same birthday 4 years apart. Rhizi (22) and Jocey (18) celebrated their birthday with a family dinner at The Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney. It is always good times when we get together, lots of sarcasm and laughs. I cannot believe how much these girls have grown up. Looking at the picture below of these two beauties makes me feel old. They are both so special to me and I love them dearly.

Happy Birthday Sissys!!!

Jocey and Rhizi

19 March 2009

Like most families, we have been BUSY.

Let me restate that, we have been SO BUSY!

I have some major updating to do. A few events that will be posted soon....

Rhizi and Jocey's B-Day
1-Year Anniversary
Another Singapore trip
Las Vegas

not too sure when the actual posts will make it on here, maybe next week.