27 March 2009

1 Year - We did it!

We celebrated our 1 Year Anniversary on March 8th. We decided to make a quick trip to Coronado Island. On our way down, we stopped in San Diego for sushi. My sister Rhiannon works at a yummy sushi restaurant and treated us. (Thanks again Rhiz.) We stayed at a lovely little hotel called The Glorietta Bay Inn. Jared and I had a relaxing evening with nothing planned or scheduled, it was quite nice. Unfortunately, I had be to back to work by 11am the next morning, so we had to rush home. 

This 1 year has flown by SO FAST. I honestly cannot believe it. We have had such a blast and are looking forward to many, many more years of adventures together. I love you hub.

I have been really bad about taking pictures lately, so here are just a couple from the beach in Coronado. 

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