14 July 2010


we moved...it was exhausting.
my amazing husband did most of the work.
we are semi-settled.
i use this term because i am going to be living part time in temecula and part time in manhattan beach for the next couple months.
i dislike this schedule because i am away from jared 3-4 days a week.
although, it is not our ideal arrangement, i have to finish up my work in manhattan beach before the baby arrives.
so, we tough it out and do the best we can.

jared started coaching this week.
i know this is where he is meant to be.
he loves it.
looking forward to the high school football season.

actually, i'm more looking forward to our "babymoon" in maui in 13 days.

speaking of baby, he/she is moving more frequently.


Janene said...

when are you guys going to find out? Are you waiting for the 20 week ultrasound at the doctors? If you want to go sooner Jessi and I have both gone to a place in Murrieta that tells you starting at 14 weeks. They do the 3D/4D.

Janene said...

I forgot to mention I'm really excited to find out....I think it's a boy;)