08 February 2011

2 months.

Our little man is 2 months old.

Time is flying and I kinda hate it. Can time please stop? He has changed so much. I am trying to soak up every minute...I can't seem to get enough kisses in.

Caden is a good baby (I'm sure everyone says this about their own children). He eats like a champ and is starting to develop a sleeping schedule. Although, do you call sleeping for 3 hours at night a schedule? I think my body has finally adapted to the unfamiliar sleep pattern :)

His 2 month appointment is tomorrow (a bit late). So, we will have a stats update soon!

Post-edit:  Caden's stats for his 2 month check up...
Weight: 11 pounds - 20%
Length: 23 inches - 35%



He is SO SO cute!!

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see this little man soon! he is getting so big and gets cuter all the time!

Anne said...

I love that little guy! He is so adorable! I can only imagine how good of a baby he is!