16 May 2011

4-5 months

4 months....
How is it that the time continues to fly by so quickly? It just doesn't seem fair. I try very hard to make sure that I am mindful that I will never get these days of Caden being a babe back. I have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy some quiet moments with him. (I may or may not have just got tears in my eyes while writing that...)

I am starting to see his little personality and I love it.

He laughed for the first time - I laughed and cried too! I did not have a video camera near by but, I was able to record it with the voice app on my phone. Of course, he wouldn't do it again when I tried to show everyone. Is it bad that I feel special being the only one who saw it? Well, I do.

He figured out how to roll from tummy to back and back to tummy. He now moves all over the floor.

His 4 month check up stats:
13 pounds, 9 ounces - 20% (a little on the lean side)
25 inches

5 months....

He changes daily! As soon as the 5 month mark hit, I feel like he changed so much. Forget leaving him alone for even 1 minute, he can escape in record time.

Caden definitely recognizes Jared and I. He gives us the biggest smile when we walk in the room. It melts us every time. I'm certain that feeling will never get old.

He had his first go at rice cereal. It was probably more fun for Jared and I. However, he seems to enjoy it or at least he likes the aspect of grabbing and shoving the spoon in his mouth.

He is quite the drooler. I think we will be seeing teeth VERY soon. There is something Caden does that cracks us up, we have yet to get it on camera. Out of nowhere he will "attack" our faces with his mouth open and will start sucking on our cheeks/chin/collar bone etc. We think it is SO funny but, we think everything he does is funny or cute. Don't all parents feel that way about their own kids?

C loves bath time. Yes, we still bath him in our bathroom sink. 

This boy loves his daddy.
 We seriously can't get enough of him!


Lula. said...

He is so precious, and I love how evident it is that daddy and son have such a special relationship already!

Genie said...

I Heart Caden!