29 June 2009

Change is upon us...

It seems that J and I attract adventure...

He found out this week that he got a summer teaching job.........in LA.

We are thrilled

As many of you know we have been living at my mom's house in Temecula. We had hoped that J would get a full time job in the Temecula area for the next school year. So, we could buy a house, settle down and eventually start a family. However, things don't always go according to plan. I know that there is a reason we are moving back to LA and in time I'm sure that reason will be revealed to us.  

We have been searching all weekend to find a new place...no luck yet. Did I mention his job starts next Monday? We are on a time crunch to avoid J having to commute from Temecula to LA = not fun.

I am going to continue working in Manhattan Beach. Staying with my sister (thank you Maren) during the week has been great. It has saved me from making a treacherous commute.

We have some more prospects to check out tomorrow. Our goal is to have a place by Friday. Yikes! Keeping our fingers crossed...

1 comment:

Lula. said...

Yay! that is so exciting for you guys! good luck finding a place... that can be stressful.

and great job on all your posting!
